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Boys Club Teams

Register for the 2024-25 Boys Club Team Tryouts

2024-25 Boys Club Team - Info & Details

We will be conducting open gyms/tryouts August 13th and 15th, from 7pm - 9pm, boys U12, U13, U14 & U15 (YOSA Green Regionals) and also for boys U16, U17 & U18 (YOSA Blue Nationals).  The season will run from October 10 - February 10.

We will design a tryout/open gym/instructional practice, so we can evaluate your skills and assign you a volleyball team that fit your needs.   For our YOSA Blue Teams we will also consider your volleyball positions, commitment and skill level.    These open gyms are for athletes who are interested in trying out for club and/or who wish to learn more about the practice and developmental programs.  It will also be an excellent opportunity to meet Coach Da Matta and have some fun! 

We will field up to two club teams this year and take steps to allow as many boys as possible to play.  Depending on tryouts, we will assess the mix of boys, their ages, etc., and field boys teams from the following age ranges: 18U, 17U, 16U 15U.


Blue Team Club Season Includes:


  • Practice gym in Fort Collins

Council Tree Covenant Church
4825 South Lemay 
Fort Collins, 80525
*near Sam's Club
  • World-class instruction from Coach Dr. Gylton Da Matta - 2 time USA Volleyball national champion (open division); FIVB International Expert and Technical Evaluator

  • Local/Regional Tournaments

  • Green - RMR Powers plus 4 tournaments
  • Blue - RMR Powers plus Denver National Qualifier Tournament 
  • 2-3 practices weekly (skills development), recruiting network,

  • Elite volleyball training for boys plus an injury prevention-focused training

  • Cost

    • Green Team: $1,800/Blue Team: $2,400

      • Uniform package including hoodie, jerseys, shorts

      • Membership fees, Court Rental and Admin Fees

Open Positions for 2024-25 Boys Club Tryouts

All positions currently available

For more information about tryouts, please email

The Registration "Boys Club Teams" is not currently available.

Practice Location

Our club teams practice in Fort Collins, CO:

Council Tree Covenant Church
YOSA Volleyball
4825 South Lemay
Fort Collins, CO  80525

*Council Tree Covenant Church  (YOSA is not affiliated with CCC, but rents space on behalf of the club)

2022 Boys Club Team